Slievemore Achill Island

Slievemore is in the centre of the northern coastline of The Island, and will be in view almost constantly as you travel around Achill.

It stands at 671m and has two popular routes to the summit, one from The village of Dugort on the east side and the other from the west side starting at the deserted village.

Route One: From Dugort Beach follow the road to the right which runs past The Strand Hotel, when you reach open mountainside to the left leave the road and head for the ridge leading up the mountain. If you walk along the intermittent path to the left of the ridge you will find sheep tracks which will help you underfoot as you head for the summit.

Route Two: From The Deserted Village head for a white boulder visible on the slope, from there an intermittent track will bring you left and then right on to your route to the summit. The ground is initially covered with dense heather but becomes rockier as you progress through the short but steep climb and near the summit ridge. The summit consists of a weathered trig pillar and small circular shelter constructed from stones. Right from the start of the climb once height is gained, the views that open up are stunning. However, it is from the summit of the mountain that you get a real stunning vista of the landscape that lies below. The expansive panoramic views from Slievemore are quite simply breath-taking.  The view west is dominated by Croaghaun and the Atlantic Ocean.  Looking south draws the eye to Keel Lough.  To the east beyond the island lies the mainland back dropped by the Nephin mountain range.  The views north take in Blacksod Bay and Belmullet in the distance and the two wonderful blue flag beaches of Dugort, the Silver and Golden Strand.

Thanks to walking and hiking Ireland