Keem Blue Flag Beach Achill Island

Keem Bay is a blue flag beach located as far west as you can go by car on Achill Island.  The bay was used for hunting basking sharks which were then towed by boat to Purteen harbour.

There are numerous viewing points on the drive down to the beach with a selection of car parking places.  There is an old British army lookout post on the top of the hill to the bay's south. To the north stands Croaghaun, with Europe's highest sea cliffs. Keem Beach is located in a beautiful horseshoe bay and is a sheltered, sandy strand surrounded by high cliffs.  The beach is very popular for water sports, especially snorkeling which has a Blueway Trail.  The beach has lifeguards stationed there during the summer season.  Keem Beach snorkel trail is accessed via the main car park.  The trail takes you along the right (southern) side of the bay and can be accessed at all stages of the tide.  Tidal flows here are weak, making this snorkel trail suitable for beginners. Occasionally Basking sharks visit the area, as do Dolphins & Porpoises.  You may also spot Trigger fish and Spider crabs, usually from mid-July and just out from the beach, a few meters under the surface.
