The Valley House Hostel and Bar

the valley house hostel and bar achill island

The Valley House is a house full of character, atmosphere and history.  Have a drink by the fire, join in a music session where everyone is encouraged to take part, avail of the private or dormitory accommodation.

The house is situated on a 19th century estate, surrounded by rolling hills, fishing lakes and forest.  In 1998, a movie called Love & Rage was filmed on location at The Valley House, it tells the story of 1894 when the house was burned down and the lady of the house, Agnes MacDonnell, was attacked and left for dead.  The film starred Daniel Craig & Greta Scacchi.

The Valley House also boasts a 9-hole pitch & putt course and incorporates The Yellow Lady Design Centre and Craft School, So come and browse around the Design Centre, learn a new skill in thr Craft School, have a coffee in the lounge, play a few rounds of pitch and putt or go fishing, and then finish it off with some good food and a drink in the bar!

The Valley,
Achill Island.
Tel: 098 47204
Mobile: 086 8592812
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