Achill Rovers Football Club

Achill Rovers Football Club ( Football Drama & Athletic Club ) is one of several football clubs in Mayo and a member of the Mayo Association Football League and Mayo Youths Schoolboys & Schoolgirls League.  

Through these associations we are affiliated to the Football Association of Ireland (FAI) which in turn is affiliated to UEFA & FIFA.  Achill Rovers plays it's home matches at Fr O'Brien Park, The Valley, which is located on Achill Island County Mayo.  Soccer in Mayo is primarily played as a summer sport and Achill Rovers this season will field teams at Junior level ( adults ), boys under 16s, under 15s and under 13s.  The club will again be hosting an official FAI Summer Soccer School from 23rd - 27th July 2012.  Apart from being a soccer club, Achill Rovers is very much part of the local community.  We organise coaching indoors, throughout the winter in Colaiste Acla, Dooega  and outdoors at Fr. O’Brien Park during the clear summer evenings.  In recent years we have put in practice a framed coaching timetable.  We now have a number of qualified coaches at varying levels, who all give their services voluntarily.  In addition to these volunteers, we rely greatly upon the local community for their support in fundraising.  Running a football club in an isolated area such as Achill Island can be expensive.  The closest away match within Mayo can mean a round trip of eighty miles or more! Therefore we are very grateful to our sponsors whose donations keeps the teams going, and also the local people of Achill & those beyond who purchase our weekly Lotto tickets which is the lifeblood of our club.

The Valley,
Achill Island
Sean Molloy: 086 1790967
Anthony Gralton: 083 1424851
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