Déanta i Maigh Eo

Did you know that Loveachill also produce commercial, industrial and promotional signage?

Our latest job is  for Gnó Mhaigh Eo and is a series of wooden signs branded with the slogan "Déanta i Maigh Eo" (made in Mayo) which will be distributed to makers and retailers that produce and sell products that are made in County Mayo.


Gnó Mhaigh Eo are the agency tasked with the promotion of the Irish language in Mayo and offer a number of supports to businesses and organisations that incorporate the Irish language into their environment.

Gnó Mhaigh Eo is an organisation supporting and encouraging businesses in Mayo to utilize the Irish language as a valuable and profitable economic resource.

Is eagraíocht é Gnó Mhaigh Eo a thugann tacaíocht don lucht gnó i Maigh Eo agus a spreagann iad chun an Ghaeilge a úsáid mar acmhainn eacnamaíochta atá idir luachmhar agus bhrabúsach.

We look forward to seeing the signs appearing around the county and hope that it encourages people to shop locally and support indigenous local business.

if you have any signage needs, whether for interior or exterior use, anything from name badges to house names, welcome notices to exit directions, give us a call at 087 2495175 or email us This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will be delighted to give you advice and a quotation.