The Day "Surf Mama" Came to Achill Island

wilma johnson with her book titled surf mama

The Day "Surf Mama" Came to Achill Island

Wilma Johnson, Author, called into visit us at LoveAchill during the summer, and very kindly left a signed copy of her new book "Surf Mama" with us. The book tells the true account of Wilma making the brave decision that after years of being a surf widow she was going to don the wetsuit, grab a board and hit the waves. This decision was made at forty something years of age, and took a while to go from the wine bar and the art studio to the French waves. Wilma starts up a surf club with a few like minded friends and trades one of her paintings for a surf board and so it all begins. The book really is a great read and all they way through you are wanting Wilma to succeed because she comes across as someone you would love to have at a dinner party or even at a good session in a proper pub. Well done Wilma and keep surfing Mama..!